In this course, we will cover the tenets of faith that are obligatory for every Muslim to know. These tenets include the necessary attributes of Allah Most High, attributes that are merely possible for Him, and attributes that are inconceivable for Him to have. Likewise, we will cover the attributes of the Messengers (upon them be peace) and tenets of faith related to the Hereafter.

Such knowledge of Islamic beliefs is important because it is a necessary component for the Believer in their relationship with Allah Most High. Knowledge of Allah is the highest form of knowledge and the stepping stone to knowing Allah more intimately is knowledge of His attributes and why we desperately need a relationship with Him.

Through this course, students will gain clarity on Islamic beliefs, the reasons behind belief in God and the Hereafter, greater reverence for Allah, His Messengers, and Islam as a whole.

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Short Intro: This course covers the tenets of faith that are obligatory for every Muslim to know. These tenets include the attributes of Allah Most High, attributes of the Messengers (upon them be peace), and beliefs related to the Hereafter.
Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: Yes
Total Lesson: 9
Number of hours: 10
Weightage: 10
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the core tenets of faith in Islam.
  • Explain the attributes of Allah Most High.
  • Discuss the qualities of the Messengers.
  • List the Divine Books.
  • Describe the belief in angels and jinn.
  • Describe the Last Day.
  • Summarize the meaning of submitting to the Unseen.