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Learn how to pray with presence of heart with Allah, according to the call of the Quranic call to, “Establish prayer for My remembrance,” [Quran, 20:14]. 

In this course, we cover one of the greatest classical texts on praying with excellence, Habib Hasan al-Bahr al-Jifri’s Salat al-Muqarrabin (The Prayer of Those Close to Allah). Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains and contextualizes how to bring the means of presence of heart, humbledness, awe, reverence, love, gratitude, awe, and beholding into our prayers.

Allah Most High tells us, “True believers have succeeded forever: Those who in their prayer are humbled in devotion…” [23:1-2]

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Category Featured: Yes
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Skill Level: Beginner
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Sunday: No
About the text:

The Prayer of Those Close to Allah (Salat al-Muqarrabin) is a brief but comprehensive text explaining how to pray with excellence—preparing to pray; each part of the prayer; and completing the prayer. 

At each step, Habib Hasan al-Bahr al-Jifri shares deep spiritual insights with eye-opening clarity on how to bring our prayer to life; how to be present with Allah in our prayer; how to behold Allah; how to experience love, joy, reverence, awe, humility, gratitude, and the other central meanings Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) have called us to uphold in a truly transformative prayer.

About the Author:

Habib Hasan al-Bahr al-Jifri (1191-1273 AH) was a distinguished scholar, jurist, caller to Allah, and leader of the Ba-Alawi Sayyids of the Hadhramawt Valley of Yemen.

He was orphaned at a young age, raised by his maternal grandfather, and he traveled extensively in seeking and spreading knowledge.

He authored this text, Salat al-Muqarrabin, while resident in Mecca.

Who is this course for: All Muslims—whether students of knowledge or those seeking to enrich their prayer, worship, and relationship with Allah.
Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding how to pray with presence of heart.
  • Appreciate the importance of presence of heart (hudur) and reverence (khushu) in prayer
  • Know the works of the heart for each part of the prayer.
  • Understand the central spiritual virtues of Islam—love, gratitude, reverence, awe, humility, and joy—that are the keys to attaining Closeness (Qurb) to Allah, in accordance to the call of Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

Self enrolment AUTO (Student)