Enrolment options

This course will cover the basics of what all Muslims must know in order to live their lives believing correctly. This includes the attributes of Allah Most High, the attributes of the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all), transmitted beliefs and issues related to the Hereafter.

These tenets of belief are important for every Muslim to know because they relate to the very foundation of faith. Furthermore, in these times, with so much talk of different beliefs or the absence thereof, people may have influenced beliefs without realizing it. It is thus imperative to have a basic understanding of the Islamic creed. 

This class will provide a good understanding of what the line is between truth and falsehood. It will allow one to understand the parameters of conceptualizing Allah and understand what to believe about the Creator and Maker of everything.

Display on Both categories: No
Category Featured: Yes
Show in catalog: Yes
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
About the text:

Learning outcomes:

  • Know and understand the basic beliefs of Islam
  • Substantiate the reasons for the Islamic beliefs
  • Understand the foundations of scholarly methodology
  • Appreciate the nuance and precision of the Islamic creed
  • Cultivate faith and certitude

Self enrolment AUTO (Student)