Futuwwa is a term that many of us hear in lectures and classes, but don’t have a full understanding of its true meaning. This course allows for a comprehensive understanding of the many meanings and consequences that this term has for Muslims. 

The ethic of spiritual chivalry—or preferring others over one’s self—is one that has dizzying ramifications. It is something that has an impact on every aspect of our lives. This course explores its impact in how we are to approach others in our lives, the other created things of Allah, the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), and ultimately Allah Most High. 

The learning outcomes of this course include understanding the formal, working definition of the term futuwwa. Then understanding how it is applied in service to others, in graciousness and generosity, and in respect and friendship. Finally, the honor code (adab) of chivalry is explored in relation to the individual’s personal struggle against their ego and lower self (nafs). 

Display on Both categories: No
Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: Yes
Total Lesson: 6
Number of hours: 9
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the definition of futuwwa
  • Developing futuwwa through
  • Service to others
  • Graciousness, generosity, and hospitality
  • Friendships
  • Relationships
  • Struggling against one’s ego
  • Learn the honor code of chivalry