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The objective of this course is to begin the journey of gaining mastery of the Fiqh details of the Hanafi school.

We define “Mastery” as a thorough understanding of the text itself, its legal reasoning, and key details.

"Fiqh" is deep knowledge, with an understanding of nuances and implications.

"Fiqh" is deep knowledge, with an understanding of nuances and implications.

Through extensive readings in Haskafi’s Durr al-Mukhtar and Ibn Abidin’s Radd al-Muhtar, along with multiple articles and inputs from contemporary scholars, students receive a solid understanding of what it entails to be a jurist of service to his community.

The purpose of this mastery is to seek the pleasure of Allah, through benefiting oneself and others by preserving, acting upon, and transmitting this noble Prophetic inheritance in ways that assist others in seeking the pleasure of Allah by following Divine Guidance with conviction and clarity.

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Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: Yes
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
About the text:

The main textbook for this course is the meta-matn Imam Tumurtashi’s Tanwir al-Absar that is the basis of the central commentary for legal details Haskafi’s Durr al-Mukhtar in the later Hanafi school–and for the central work for the fatwa positions of the Hanafi school Ibn Abidin’s Radd al-Muhtar.

About the Author:

Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-Tumurtashi al-Ghazzi was born in Gaza, Palestine, in 939 AH. One of the leading Hanafi jurists of his time, he authored a number of significant works in the school, including Tanwir al-Absar and its two-volume commentary Minah al-Ghaffar. Given his stature in the Hanafi school, he is often given the honorific title Shaykh al-Islam. He died in Gaza in or after 1004 AH.

Who is this course for:
  • This course is for adults.
  • It is particularly beneficial for students of Islamic Law..
  • This is an upper-intermediate to advanced class in Hanafi Fiqh. Students need to have completed at least two complete works in all chapters of Hanafi fiqh, including at least one intermediate-level commentary (such as Sharh al-Wiqaya, or the Ikhtiyar, or Hidaya, or similar), with understanding.
Learning outcomes:
  • Understand the text studied properly.
  • Navigate through the different opinions of the Hanafi School.
  • Be familiarized with contemporary issues.
  • Learn how to research issues in the Hashya of Ibn Abidin.
Self enrolment AUTO (Student)