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This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the Kanz al-Daqa’iq of Imam Hafidh al-Din al-Nasafi.

The Kanz is one of the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school and is considered one of its most fundamental pillars.

This course provides an intermediate understanding of the Islamic rulings of public law according to the Hanafi school.

Topics covered in these chapters include the rulings of public law, the impact these rulings have, and the wisdom behind them.

These topics include judgements, claims, witness proceedings, admissions, reconciliations, preventions, reviving dead land, crimes, rulings surrounding the killed—and other topics related to the wellbeing of society.

This class will also touch upon how the sacred law preserves each individual's life, wealth, intellect, property, and honor through the application of laws of judgment (qada’), and crimes (jinayat).

The believer is not only accountable to Allah Most High in regards to his worship but also in how he upholds himself in his day-to-day life. That’s why the study of these chapters is of deep importance.

Some chapters may not be acted upon anymore in their outward application; however, the principles from these chapters are still applicable today, and their wisdom is more apparent today than ever before.

This course is ideal for students of Islamic knowledge. A previous study of Fiqh is recommended but not a requirement.

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Short Intro: This course provides an intermediate-level understanding of the Islamic rulings of public law. It is based on one of the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school, Kanz al-Daqa’iq, by Imam Nasafi.
Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: Yes
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: Yes
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
Class Time: 12:00 PM ET
About the text:

This course is based on Imam Abu’l Barakat al-Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa’iq, referred to by many as the greatest of the summary works (mukhtasarat) in the Hanafi school. This work is very precise, nuanced, terse, yet very comprehensive.

The Kanz is a summary of another of the author's works, the Wafi, an advanced text in the Hanafi school. The Kanz can be difficult to understand and grasp at times. This highlights the importance of a study of another primer prior to the study of the Kanz.

The Kanz has many great and important commentaries and super commentaries, such as Tabyin al-Haqa’iq of Zaylai‘, Bahr al-Ra’iq of Zain ibn Nujaym which also has a super commentary on it called Minha al-Khaliq by ibn Abidin, Nahr al-Fa’iq of Umar ibn Nujaym and many more. Later works in the school, such as the Tanwir al-Absar of Imam Tumurtashi, were built upon the Kanz - further proof of the deep influence and importance of Imam Nasafi’s Kanz al-Daqa’iq.

The commentary referenced in this class will be the commentary of Munla Miskin with the super commentary of Abu al-Sa’ud Sayyid al-Sharif al-Misry.

About the Author:

Imam Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Mahmud al-Nasafi was among the greatest Hanafi imams of his time, hailing from Nasaf in modern-day Uzbekistan. He authored major contributions in Hanafi law, legal theory (Usul al-fiqh), tenets of faith and exegesis (tafsir).

His great writings in fiqh such as the Wafi, its commentary the Kafi, and the summary of the Wafi, the Kanz - are monumental works in the school. His work in legal theory, the Manar is a foundational work in the Hanafi school with many great commentaries written on it, such as Kashf al-Asrar, Nur al-Anwar which has the marginalia Qamr al-Aqmar written on it, Fath al-Ghaffar, Ifada al-Anwar which has the marginalia by ibn Abidin called Nasamat al-Ashar.

He is also renowned outside the school, particularly for his Quranic exegesis Madarik al-Tanzil. He died in 710 AH.

Who is this course for:
  • This course is for students of knowledge who have previous knowledge of the content being covered.
  • It is a Level Three course. In order to successfully complete this course, students should first take the course Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Public Law.

Learning outcomes:
  • Read more nuanced and terse works in the science of Islamic Law.
  • Understand the rulings related to public law at an intermediate level.
  • Gain a deeper appreciation of legal reasoning in deriving rulings.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the legal details, nuances, and the method of the Hanafi school.
  • Gain comfort in using the large reference works of the school.
  • Understand the wisdom of the Sacred Law.
  • Appreciate the reasoning of the fuqaha.