Enrolment options

The Book of Assistance by the great master Imam Haddad is vital for gaining spiritual and practical guidance, ultimately forming a balanced understanding of life. It connects the outward with the inward; carefully guiding us through pitfalls and mishaps, so that we may be of those who are protected and guided on the straight path.

An individual’s relationship with Allah in the early years of adolescence is one of the most important phases of a person’s journey on the path. At the heart of the human-Divine relationship is Divine love. Divine love and nearness are the pinnacles of all success and happiness. The purpose of all human beings, in reality, is to attain this nearness to the Divine and to gain gnosis [ma`rifa]. At times this requires an action of the heart, and at other times it requires a physical act, like prayer.

Sometimes what is required is more subtle, like reflection. The pleasure that is derived from the materialistic world is limited and also short-lived. However, the spiritual pleasure that one gains through learning and realization, and acting upon one’s knowledge is something that will be eternally savored.

This course is essential for Muslim youth in order to learn and acquire a foundation for their spiritual growth. Attaining a pure heart is the single most important asset that one gains from this abode.

Display on Both categories: No
Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: Yes
Total Lesson: 12
Number of hours: 13
Weightage: 5
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand how to transform everyday acts into worship.
  • Learn the key terms of the science of Islamic spirituality.
  • Explain what it means to have good character with people.
  • Learn how to turn away from this world and focus on Allah Most High.
  • Appreciate the depth of the Muslim spiritual tradition.
  • Cultivate sincerity in their actions.
Self enrolment AUTO (Student)