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In the turbulent world we live in, many things can happen that challenge one’s beliefs. Faith that is based on emotional attachment to the way of one’s parents or community is easily eroded by creeping doubts. Often, these doubts grow because one is unable to respond to the intellectual and spiritual challenges one faces as an individual and citizen in a global community where Muslims live under questioning eyes.

In this instrumental On-Demand course, distinguished scholars provide guidance on nurturing your faith in challenging times.

• Imam Yama Niazi gives practical advice on how to live as a confident Muslim with a purpose. He discusses the most relevant issues affecting the youth today and how we can use our faith to develop and strengthen our connection with our Creator.

• Shaykh Amjad Tarsin and Shaykh Yahya Rhodus help the students gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to nurture our faith in modern times. They offer practical advice on how our family, our friends, our spiritual practices, and our community service can help us achieve higher levels of faith.

• In Addition, Shaykh Amjad discusses how to navigate around atheism that is so prevalent in our times. Imam Yama comments on how Muslim families are being affected by the gender orientation issues that have been rampant in the last decade.

• Shaykh Faraz demonstrates how strengthening our faith helps us to ground our Muslim identity. He also shares lessons and counsel on how to become truly purposeful seekers of knowledge and truly beneficial to Allah's creation.

• Ustadha Shireen Ahmed discusses ways to protect your faith and family at home. She gives advice on how to make your home a place of tranquility.

Display on Both categories: No
Category Featured: No
Show in catalog: No
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
Who is this course for:

  • This course is for all ages.
  • It is a General Level course.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn how to live as a confident Muslim.
  • Understand how to develop and strengthen your connection to your Creator.
  • Realize how to achieve higher levels of faith through your family, friends, and community service.
  • Learn the methods of raising children used by our pious predecessors.
  • Understand what parental favor entails.
  • Learn the importance of spiritual routines.
  • Understand the challenges that Muslims in the West are facing today and how to overcome them.
  • Learn how to navigate around contemporary issues like atheism and gender orientation issues.

Self enrolment AUTO (Student)