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Growing up as young Muslims, we are constantly bombarded by often contradictory messages on what it means to practice our religion. Knowledge offers clarity on what sound Muslim practice looks like, giving you the confidence to uphold your convictions no matter what anyone says.

This course represents the first step on that journey. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or are looking to ground your worship with sound religious knowledge, this is the course for you. In eight interactive sessions, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani—a seasoned scholar and educator—will cover the obligatory basics every Muslim needs to know. These give you a roadmap to answer your most common questions about Islam in its three dimensions: (1) beliefs—what we know about Allah, His Prophets, and the Hereafter; (2) worship—how to make your purification and prayer valid, sound, and proper; and (3) practice—by looking at key virtuous actions and traits to uphold and vices to avoid.

Display on Both categories: No
Category Featured: Yes
Show in catalog: Yes
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
About the text:

This course is based on The Absolute Essentials of Islam: Faith, Prayer, and The Path of Salvation According to the Hanafi School, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani (White Thread Press).

This book covers what every Muslim must know about the basic guidance of Islam in its three dimensions: (1) beliefs (iman)—and how to have sound belief in Allah, His Prophets, and in transmitted beliefs; (2) submission (Islam)—by looking at the daily devotional obligation of ritual prayer; and (3) spiritual excellence (Ihsan)—by looking at key sins and vices to avoid, and key virtuous actions and traits to uphold in seeking closeness to Allah.

“I know of no other manual of Islam that presents the essentials of the Hanafi school and basic Islamic belief so reliably, concisely, and elegantly as The Absolute Essentials of Islam. Faraz Rabbani is to be commended for producing a work from which the new Muslim can learn, the practicing Muslim check his fiqh, or the student merely curious about the practice of Islam see how it all fits together. It is likely to serve the Ummah, Allah willing, as long as there are English-speaking Muslims in it who want to know their din. This book works.”

– Shaykh Nuh Keller, Jordan.

Who is this course for:

This is the first course in Level One.

This course has no prerequisites.

Any student who wants to learn about the basics of belief and worship and wants to start their journey of gaining sacred knowledge should start with this course

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how to seek religious knowledge
  • Learn the basics of Islamic beliefs: so you know what we believe about Allah, His Messengers, and the Hereafter—and why
  • Learn how to make your daily worship—purification and prayer—valid, sound, and proper
  • Learn how to worship Allah Most High with sincerity
  • Learn essential guidelines for living a faithful, upright life.

Self enrolment AUTO (Student)