Ramadan Course
Lessons 24
   Hours 21

This course covers a practical manual on living the sunna, avoiding the sins of the limbs and heart, and upholding good character, written by the 12th-century reviver of the Islamic sciences Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. This knowledge is essential for every believer seeking to practice Islam fully, particularly as knowledge of sinful thoughts a...

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Living the Sunna: Practical Guidance from Imam al-Ghazali’s “Bidaya al-Hidaya”
  • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
Ramadan Course

This course covers Imam Birgivi’s al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya, one of the great manuals on practical spirituality and operationalization of following the way of our beloved Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). This course analyzes the “fiqh of taqwa”—how to truly follow the way of the Prophet in...

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Birgivi’s Tariqa Muhammadiyya: The Fiqh of Taqwa and the Path to Purification
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Ramadan Course
Lessons 8
   Hours 9

This course covers the science of Shama’il, or the description of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. This hadith was narrated by Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was the stepson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace a...

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In the Radiance of the Beloved: Understanding the Shama’il of Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)
  • Habib Muhammad al-Saqqaf
Ramadan Course
Lessons 12
   Hours 9

New to Islam? Or just looking to brush up on the basics? This course features an explanation of the clearest, concise and comprehensive introduction to Islam in print, Being Muslim, by Ustadh Asad Tarsin. The course is designed to include what every Muslim should know as well as those things that are essent...

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Islam Simplified: Unraveling the Core Principles
  • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
Ramadan Course
Lessons 6
   Hours 9

Futuwwa is a term that many of us hear in lectures and classes, but don’t have a full understanding of its true meaning. This course allows for a comprehensive understanding of the many meanings and consequences that this term has for Muslims.  The ethic of...

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The Ethic of Chivalry: Exploring Futuwwa and Its Impact on Life
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 8
       Hours 5

    Sura al-Kahf contains four allegories that contain many crucial lessons for us all. The story of the sleepers of the cave highlights the importance of belief in God, and the need to nurture it and keep it away from what harms it. The story of the owner o...

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    Unraveling Surah al-Kahf: Understanding the Lessons Within Its Four Stories
    • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 8
       Hours 6

    “Indeed We have granted you [O Messenger] the Seven Frequently-Repeated [verses] and the Tremendous Recital.” (15:87) Experts in Qur...

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    The Best Chapter of the Quran: A Treasury of Meaning
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 6
       Hours 5

    There is a door in Paradise called Rayyan. No one will enter it except those who fast. Allah Himself has declared that fasting is specifically His and that it has a special reward from Him. In order to make the most of this great act of worship, one must know its worth, how to make the most of it, and what to avoid ...

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    Gateway to Paradise: Unlocking the Secrets of Fasting
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 5
       Hours 2

    In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened; the door of Hell are locked; the devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to what is given for the ob...

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    Unlocking Ramadan: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Blessings and Spiritual Growth
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 5
       Hours 3

    As Divine speech, the Quran leads people from darkness to true light. It is guidance for the people of piety to the straight path that leads to Allah. Pious people hold fast to the Book of Allah and have the correct inner and outer manners of relating to the Quran.

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    Living the Quran: Unlocking Inner and Outer Manners of Divine Guidance
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 5
       Hours 2

    Ramadan is the time of year when Muslims have an opportunity to rejuvenate themselves spiritually and implement lasting changes in their lives. This course will equip students to prepare for Ramadan in advance to make the most of its blessings, both physically and spiritually.

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    Transformative Ramadan Journey: Your Guide to Making the Most of All Its Benefits
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 4
       Hours 3

    In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened the doors of Hell are locked; the devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to what is given for the obligat...

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    Ramadan Essentials: A Shafi‘i Guide to Fasting, Worship, and Spiritual Fulfillment
    • Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 2
       Hours 3

    The words of our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) are full of significant lessons that we can benefit from. Among his preserved discourse was his sermons, particularly his address during the farewell hajj of his lifetime. This course is a cr...

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    Guidance from the Farewell Sermon: Extracting Practical Lessons from the Prophet’s Final Address
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 26
       Hours 12

    This course covers 40 hadiths on fasting collected by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani. This collection focuses on the merits of fasting in general, fasting the month of Ramadan specifically, and on some of the voluntary fasts recommended throughout the year. The tr...

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    Fasting Wisdom: Exploring 40 Hadiths on the Merits and Spiritual Essence of Fasting
    • Shaykh Mohammed Tayssir Safi
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 24
       Hours 13

    “Whoever remembers Allah abundantly in Ramadan will be forgiven.” – Imam Zaid Shakir. In Ramadan, there are so many opportunities to be forgiven and to become closer to Allah that one does not know where to start. Many people do not realize what is on offer, and so they miss out on the blessings of this t...

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    Maximizing Ramadan: A Comprehensive Guide to Spiritual Growth and Blessings
    • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
    • Habib Umar bin Hafiz
    • Imam Zaid Shakir
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 24
       Hours 12:03:55

    This course explores the ultimate purpose of human existence: closeness to Allah Most High. People have varying incorrect notions of what the point of human existence is, ranging from reincarnation to empty nothingness. By taking this course, students will come to know the Islamic perspective of the purpose of our...

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    Towards Allah's Nearness: Understanding Hope and Closeness in Islam
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course
    Lessons 11
       Hours 12

    In these lessons Shaykh Faraz Rabbani looks at the heart of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to draw inspiration from the lofty states of the Prophet, and how they manifested through his character and affected those around him, and how they will continue to do so even on the Day of Resurrection.

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    Journey to the Noble Heart of the Prophet: Developing Good Character and Compassion for Allah’s Creation
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course

    Every day in Ramadan, we will go through a verse from the Quran that you read in your daily recitation or you will hear in Tarawih prayer. These selected verses address the most critical issues of belief. They clear our doubts, increase our faith and revive our spirit. By the end of this series, you will know thirty...

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    Quranic Conviction: Thirty Verses on Theology
    • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
    Ramadan Course

    This is a general reminder series in Ramadan. It will improve your understanding of Ramadan and the higher aims of fasting and reflection. It addresses many issues related to social life, beliefs, spiritual remedies, and practical solutions to many Muslims' problems. The higher objective of this ...

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    Remedies for Ramadan: Motivational Musings on Mindfulness
    • Imam Yama Niazi
    Ramadan Course

    This Ramadan series is a look at some brief, wise quotes from the Quran, the Sunna, and the words of the righteous scholars of the Umma. The wisdom therein is particularly beneficial and moving when heard during Ramadan, either whilst one is fasting during the day, or in worship at night. Everyone feels the ble...

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    Wisdom to Feed the Soul
    • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
    Ramadan Course

    This On-Demand course offers students practical advice from some of the world’s leading scholars including Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Mendes, Dr Ingrid Mattson, and more. They share with us 30 simple deeds that have a deep spiritual impact on our lives – and the lives of oth...

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    Character Refinement: 30 Transformative Deeds for Spiritual Growth
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Ramadan Course

    قراءة في سير أعلام من الصحابة الكرام من كتاب (مجمع الأحباب) للعلامة الواسطي الحسينيمن إعداد وإلقاء د. محمد أبوبكر باذيب في أمسيات رمضانية للعام الهجري 1445

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    من أعلام السلف
      Ramadan Course

      “And know that root of these problems is love of leadership and forgetting what is sure to come.” – Imam Ibn Ashir. Imam Abdul-Wahid ibn Ashir’s great work, The Helping Guide, has been highly regarded by scholars and used to teach Law, Creed, and Spirituality ...

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      Steps to Excellence: Exploring ‘The Helping Guide’ by Imam Ibn Ashir
      • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
      Ramadan Course

      Imam Ahmad narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those of singular purpose have outstripped [everyone].” The Companions asked, “Who are those of singular purpose?” He replied, “Those excessive in the remembrance of Allah M...

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      Keys to Spiritual Awareness: Balfaqih’s The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan, & Irfan Explained
      • Shaykh Abdul-Karim Yahya
      Ramadan Course

      “But no! In fact, you love this fleeting world, and neglect the Hereafter.” [Quran, 75:20-21) Truly, man has embraced his fleeting desires and wor...

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      Sura al-Kahf: Timeless Wisdom for Life’s Challenges
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Ramadan Course

      This course looks at a manual of spiritual counsels, The Firm Grasp (al-‘Urwa al-Wathiqa) by Imam Bahraq. This is a beautiful poem in 44 lines on the path of turning to Allah, living with mindfulness of Allah (taqwa), and beautifying one’s heart–by ridding oneself of blameworthy character traits, and acquiring pra...

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      Reawakening the Heart: Bahraq's The Firm Grasp Explained
        Ramadan Course

        We often focus on the worship and duties of Ramadan, but do we draw on the wisdom of the prophetic etiquettes also to help improve ourselves and be better to Allah and those around us? Through this course, you will learn how a Muslim should be with himself, his spouse, family, neighbors, fellow Muslims, society...

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        Ramadan Reflections - Prophetic Etiquette through Bukhari’s Adab al-Mufrad
        • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
        Ramadan Course

        This beneficial On-Demand course will give you a roadmap for a transformative Ramadan. First streamed during the lockdown of 2020, the course remains a beneficial refresher by providing practical, applicable tips and strategies on how one can prepare for the month of Ramadan. This cours...

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        Ramadan Roadmap: What You Need for Transformative Fasting
          Ramadan Course

          This course offers an immersive journey into the heart of Zakat within the Shafi‘i school of thought, guided by the timeless wisdom of Matn Abi Shuja‘. As we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, participants will engage with the foundational principles and practical applications of Zakat, one of Islam's fi...

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          Zakat in Practice
            Ramadan Course

            In this transformative online course, "Pathways to Victory: Personal, Social, and Ummatic Triumphs," led by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Shaykh Irshaad Sedick, we delve into a profound exploration of achieving victory at all levels of existence: personal, societal, and ummatic (community-wide). This course, adapted from the impactful "R...

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            Pathways to Victory