Ibn al-Jawzi on high himma

Ibn al-Jawzi on high himma

by Bilal Ahmed -
Number of replies: 1

Asalamu alaikum. In lesson 11, Hadith  19, at around 40 mins of part a, Sheikh Faraz mentioned an extract from Saydul Khatir of ibnul Jawzi. He said there is a part where he speaks about high himma and that this has been translated and someone can post it on the forum. Can this be shared please?

In reply to Bilal Ahmed

Re: Ibn al-Jawzi on high himma

by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch -
Wa alaikum salaam,

Apologies for the very late reply. Please email this question to sgc@seekersguidance.org - The media team will relay this message directly to Sh. Faraz in sha Allah

Allah bless you