Quiz Lesson 10 - Issues

Quiz Lesson 10 - Issues

by Khalid Akhtar -
Number of replies: 3

Unfortunately I have below issues in this quiz:

Q#1 says "01. Choose the answer that is relevant to the picture." but there is no picture that I can see.

For below question I have requested permission to the drive.
"06. Listen to the narrative and choose the right answer to the question: مَتى يَنتَهي عَمَلُ زَوْجُ مَريَم؟ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xcFSCMdaNgJwY12-ToS20ka56spqELlG/view?usp=share_link"

For below question there is no text to refer to.

In reply to Khalid Akhtar

Re: Quiz Lesson 10 - Issues

by Khalid Akhtar -
I have access to the drive for listening question but other two issues are still there (missing picture and missing text).
Ustadha sent email yesterday (Nov 14) with a picture for Quiz 10, Question 1, but that picture does not fit with any of the answers provided as far as I can tell.
In reply to Khalid Akhtar

Re: Quiz Lesson 10 - Issues

by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad -

Assalamu alaykum Khalid

Here is the text, I will ask to have it added right away:

فاطِمة صَيْدَلِيّة في مُسْتَشْفى الجامِعة. هي تَسْتَيْقِظُ مُبَكِّراً ويَنتَهي يَومُ العَمَل السّاعةَ السّادِسةَ مَساءً. بَعدَ العَمَل، فاطِمة تُدَرِّسُ أوْلادَها في البَيْت. هي تُحِبُّ عَمَلَها وتُحِبّ تَرْبِيةَ أوْلادِها أيْضاً. ماذا تَعْمَلُ فاطِمة؟

Shazia Ahmad