Lifetime student In Sha Allah khair. Currently attending Mathabah Institute, Lubab Academy and SeekersAcademy (as I am able to give it my full attention). Alhamdulillah.
Convert, Alhamdulillah.
Bismillah- When I first began my studies at SeekersAcademy I did not fully comprehend or understand proper adab and akhlaq for learning. For those teachers who taught me, please forgive me for my past mistakes and allow me to start again. Many of you I am not able to message, if you see this- JazakAllahu khairan. May Allah reward you immensely with mercy, khair and barakah in this life and allow it to raise you in the akhirah. Ameen Ya Jabbar. I do not have the words to thank you enough for the way Allah has allowed me to benefit through you. 

May He not leave us to our own devices for the twinkling of an eye and may He not remove any good which He has bestowed on us. Ameen Ya Latīf.

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