Arabic 202_Quiz of Lesson 5_Question 2

Arabic 202_Quiz of Lesson 5_Question 2

by Abdulkareem bin Is'haaq -
Number of replies: 4

Assalaamu alaikum Ustadha

‎02. اخْتَر الجُملة الّتي فيها خَطَأ:
يَومُ الجُمُعةِ هو يَومُ العُطْلة الأُسْبوعِيّة.
تَذْهَبُ أسْرَتي إلى السُّوق للتَّسَوُّق.
في السُّوقِ نَتَناوَلُ وَجبةَ العَشاء.
أُريدُ طَبَقَ بَيْض من المَكْتَبة.
أشْتَري طعام للبَيْت.

The correct question according the program is "d" but isn't there also a mistake in "e"

I am merely asking, isn't the word طعام indefinite so as the maf'ul it is supposed to be طعاما

In reply to Abdulkareem bin Is'haaq

Re: Arabic 202_Quiz of Lesson 5_Question 2

by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad -

Assalamu alaykum, 

Yes, that is correct! I will have it fixed, thank you Abdulkareem!

Shazia Ahmad 

In reply to Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

Re: Arabic 203_Quiz of Lesson 1_Question 4 and 5

by Abdulkareem bin Is'haaq -

Assalamu alaykum

4) اختَر السُّؤال لِهذا الجَواب قبل َثماني سنواتٍ.

مَتى تَذهَب إلى شاطِئ البَحْر؟

هل سَتَبقى في بَلَدِك؟

مَتى سَتَتَزوّجُ؟

مَتى حَضَرتَ من اليَمَن؟

مَتى تَعْمَل؟

According to the program the correct answer is: هل سَتَبقى في بَلَدِك؟

I chose "d" and it was marked as incorrect

Question 5 is not showing any picture while one is writing the test, however the picture does appear after the test when one is checking the test results.