203 quiz question four no picture...

203 quiz question four no picture...

by Sufi al-Qari' -
Number of replies: 7

As salamu 'alaykum,

Barak Allahu fiki, the quiz for level 203 question four is asking a question about a picture  but there is no picture there.

Please help.

Ma'as salamah

In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Sufi al-Qari' -
Please help me out as i'm still having problems with the pictures on tests for level 203. I could easily ace these tests but instead ill be guessing and getting 80%s just because of this. I'm trying to wait to get it fixed this time.

Barak Allahu fiki
In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Sufi al-Qari' -
don't worry i failed the first test either way, guess i was being presumptuous assuming i could ace them. ma'as salama
In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Sufi al-Qari' -
Salamun 'alaykum, ya Ustadha could you please fix the problem with the test questions related to pictures as the only show up on the results of the quiz not on the quiz itself so far for both 203 lessons. Please help. Was salam.
In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad -

I just posted both pictures in response to your issue. 

For Quiz 3, I will post the picture here in sha Allah, so we are not waiting on it.

Shazia Ahmad 

In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad -

Yes, I will mention it to tech. Please try to refrain from answering the question until a picture is visible.

Shazia Ahmad 

In reply to Sufi al-Qari'

Re: 203 quiz question four no picture...

by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad -

Assalamu alaykum, 

My apologies about the absent picture; please don't complete the quiz question until the picture is there. It's best to wait.

They are having a meeting to discuss the issue of uploading images. In the meanwhile, here is the picture.

Picture for quiz 1 (below this picture I put the picture for quiz 2)

