One of the courses as prerequisite Not Found in course search list

One of the courses as prerequisite Not Found in course search list

by Jahangir Khan -
Number of replies: 2

AsSalam o Alykum wa RahmatuAllah

My respected teacher and fellows... it is my first appearance in this forum.

I face an issue while following the Islamic Studies Curriculum for Shafi'i. I am unable to find the course titled "Absolute Essentials of Islam (Shafi'i), which is a prerequisite for many other subject in Level One. Help me out please.

Wish you all become successful by the Grace of Almighty Allah. Thanks

In reply to Jahangir Khan

Re: One of the courses as prerequisite Not Found in course search list

by Ilias Achrrab -
Wa ʿalaikum salām wa raḥmatullāh,

I think that they changed the name of the course. What you're referring to is Habshi’s Encompassing Epistle Explained. In the Prospectus it's referred to as Absolute Essentials of Islam (Shafi'i) as you mentioned. Nowadays it's referred to as Getting Started with Your Belief and Practice. You can find it here: So to conclude I think they changed the name of the course without changed the course itself because of the same text that's given lessons about.

Wa salām ʿalaikum