My relationship with controversial ayat and hadith

Re: My relationship with controversial ayat and hadith

by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch -
Number of replies: 0
Asalamu Alaikum Brother Sajid

Apologies for the late reply and I hope this message still reaches you.

Regarding your question. Allah Most High tells us that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) was sent as a Mercy to the Worlds. Likewise, Allah Most High tells us that He is the Most Merciful . Hadith number 8 must be understood in context.

The punishments for fornication are in essence a mercy to society. When the actions of some individuals affect and can possible corrupt a community or a society those actions are addressed, sometimes in forms of punishment, this does not mean that they are bereft or contradictory to mercy. As it is a mercy for the whole although at the expense of a few.

If a child were to reach for a hot stove, allowing them to do so because one doesn't want to be un-merciful or mean to them is in essence the pinnacle of evil and un-mercy. Likewise the punishments mentioned in this Hadith.

Note however that the punishment of the apostate must be understood in context. First and foremost the scholars are in agreement that this ruling is not applied in todays context. Secondly, in the time of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) every adult male was potentially or actually a part of the Muslim army. All adult males were called to go out for the Battle of Tabuk for this reason. With that being said, if any adult male Muslim were to leave Islam, due to their knowledge of the inner-workings of the Muslim army are in one way a type of traitor - as they would most certainly leak the private doings of the army to the opposition.

This was the context of that time and does not apply today.

Note, the verses of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) must be understood with an overriding understanding of Mercy. However, without looking at the bigger picture one may become blinded from the mercy that is in fact manifest even within the punishment and justice of Islam .

I would strongly recommend that you continue seeking Islamic knowledge especially a deep look into the Prophet Biography with a qualified scholar. The Prophet is a Prophet of Mercy yet He still carried a sword for the sake of Allah when needed and in no way, shape, or form did He cease to be the Prophet of mercy even then.

May Allah guide us and you to truly understand the Religion of Islam the way Allah intended it
Hope this helps
Allah bless you