The Essentials

In Level One: The Essentials, the Islamic Studies Curriculum focuses on religious knowledge that every Muslim must learn, that which is "personally obligatory," or fard ayn.


In Level Two: Foundations, the Islamic Studies Curriculum builds on the Essentials Level by teaching the remainder of that which is, “personally obligatory” (fard ayn). And to introduce and ground the student in the Islamic Sciences - the formal disciplines of the tradition.


In Level Three: Intermediate, the Islamic Studies Curriculum builds upon the previous two levels but also marks an important shift, building in reasoning and application. In order to begin Level Three, the student will be expected to have reached a level of mastery in Arabic that suits the topics and subject-matter to be covered to accommodate the methodological and curricular shifts in this level.


Level Four: Advanced, is the pinnacle of the general Islamic Studies Curriculum. In Level Four, the student is expected to move beyond simple accumulation to activation. Our intellectual heritage is not a historic artefact of the past, rather it is a living inherited system that continues to produce through its application by those with the technical expertise and know-how.

Coming Soon

The Essentials

In Level One: The Essentials, the Islamic Studies Curriculum focuses on religious knowledge that every Muslim must learn, that which is "personally obligatory," or fard ayn.


In Level Two: Foundations, the Islamic Studies Curriculum builds on the Essentials Level by teaching the remainder of that which is, “personally obligatory” (fard ayn). And to introduce and ground the student in the Islamic Sciences - the formal disciplines of the tradition.


In Level Three: Intermediate, the Islamic Studies Curriculum builds upon the previous two levels but also marks an important shift, building in reasoning and application. In order to begin Level Three, the student will be expected to have reached a level of mastery in Arabic that suits the topics and subject-matter to be covered to accommodate the methodological and curricular shifts in this level.


Level Four: Advanced, is the pinnacle of the general Islamic Studies Curriculum. In Level Four, the student is expected to move beyond simple accumulation to activation. Our intellectual heritage is not a historic artefact of the past, rather it is a living inherited system that continues to produce through its application by those with the technical expertise and know-how.

Coming Soon

Level One
Lessons 12
   Hours 22

Having godfearingness (taqwa) is a prerequisite for being able to benefit from the great guidance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Take this course to learn how to have godfearingness in most of the everyday situations that you are likely to encounter in your life, such as eating  halal food,...

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Living Right: Halal and Haram and Living Prophetic Excellence (Hanafi)
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level One
Lessons 12
   Hours 17

An introduction to the formal study of Islamic beliefs through a traditional manual of Islamic theology. Take this course to understand the basic methods of Islamic logic and how to use them to gain evidence-based conviction in Allah Most High, His attributes, His messengers, and the afterlife. This knowledge that you will lear...

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What Muslims Believe and Why: Dardir's Kharida al-Bahiyya
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level One
Lessons 24
   Hours 61

Allah Most High says, “I have not created jinn-kind nor mankind for any purpose other than to worship Me.” (Qur’an, 51:56) Take this course to get comprehensive and knowledge-based answers to all of the questions that you are likely to face in your worshipAllah Most High, all in light of a formal textbook of in Hanafi law...

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On Worship (Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj): Shurunbulali’s Ascent to Felicity
  • Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Level One

This is a Level One Course in the SeekersGuidance Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is based on an introductory primer to Islamic beliefs and theology, titled: Taqrib al-`Aqa’id al-Saniyya, written by the late-Maliki jurist and theologian Imam Muhammad `Ilish of the 19th century.This text is considered to be one of the best ...

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`Ilish’s Taqrib al-`Aqa’id: Quranic Foundations of Theology
  • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
Level One
Lessons 12
   Hours 7

The Prophet said that, “Whoever travels a path to seek knowledge, Allah facilitates for them a path to Paradise.” (Muslim) This course is the first step in your pursuit of religious knowledge. It explains what your religion is; what you must know about it; and how you should learn it.This course covers what every Muslim m...

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Absolute Essentials of Islam (Hanafi): Getting Started With Your Belief and Practice
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level One
Lessons 12
   Hours 13

The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) said that there will always be a group of his followers who will preserve and uphold his religion, teaching it just as he himself taught it, “unharmed by anyone who opposes them, all the way until the Day of Judgment.” (Bukhari and Muslim) Take this course to understand ...

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How Islam Works: What is Religion, and How It Is Preserved, Transmitted, and Interpreted
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level One

This course is an introduction to the Sunni Islamic creed and  to the rulings on Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj , ritual sacrifice and hunting according to the Hanafi school.

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Fiqh: Shurunbulali’s Maraqi al-Sa‘adat
  • Ustadh Sufyan Qufi
Level One

This course will cover the basics of what all Muslims must know in order to live their lives believing correctly. This includes the attributes of Allah Most High, the attributes of the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all), transmitted beliefs and issues related to the Hereafter. Th...

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Essentials of Islamic Beliefs: Ushi’s Bad’ al-Amali Explained
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two
Lessons 12
   Hours 30

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the Mukhtasar of Imam Quduri, which is one of the most celebrated and influential treatises in any Muslim school of m...

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Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Marriage and Divorce
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two
Lessons 23
   Hours 44

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. Allah’s guidan...

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Usul al-Fiqh: Aqhisari's Samt al-Wusul Explained - Understanding the Principles of Legal Interpretation (Hanafi)
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two
Lessons 34
   Hours 34

This is a Level Two Elective course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is based on Imam Mawsili's great primer on Hanafi fiqh, al-Mukhtar, and its commentary, al-Ikhtiyar li-Ta`lil Masa’il al-Mukhtar.

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Mawsili's Mukhtar: On Transactions, Marriage, and Public Law [Elective]
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two
Lessons 24
   Hours 26

This is a Level Two elective course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is based on Imam Mawsili's great primer on Hanafi fiqh, al-Mukhtar, and its commentary, al-Ikhtiyar li-Ta`lil Masa’il al-Mukhtar.

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Mawsili's Mukhtar: On Worship: Understanding Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj [Elective]
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two
Lessons 36
   Hours 22

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It is based on Imam Haddad’s Book of Assistance. The Book of Assistance by the great spiritual master Imam Haddad is vital for gaining spiritual and practical guidance that ultimately forms a balanced understanding of life. It connects the o...

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Haddad's Book of Assistance: Complete Guidance for Turning to Allah
  • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
Level Two
Lessons 22
   Hours 29

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It serves to provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of worship. In this course, Shaykh...

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Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Worship (Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat and Hajj)
  • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Level Two
Lessons 24
   Hours 67

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It serves to provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of trade and transactions.

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Quduri’s Mukhtasar: On Financial Transactions
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two

This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the Mukhtasar of Imam Quduri, which is one of the most celebrated and influential primers in the Hanafi school of met...

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Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Public Law
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Level Two

This course is beneficial to all students. Shaykh Khalil al-Nahlawi (d. 1350/1931) was a Hanafi jurist. His book, al-Durar al-Mubaha, reflects the integrity for which he was known as ...

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Nahlawi's al-Durar al-Mubaha fi al-Hadhr wal-Ibaha: A Manual of Proper Conduct [Elective]
    Level Two

    Allah sends occasions to remind us of the ultimate reality of our existence. Whether natural events such as a solar eclipse, a dire need that drives us to seek guidance from the All-Knowing, or a mistake...

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    Prayers of Occasions: An In-Depth Understanding and Application of the Voluntary Sunna Prayers [Elective]
      Level Two
      Lessons 19
         Hours 20

      This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course provides an introduction to the science of Usul al-fiqh and serves as a clear first step for the students of knowledge in buildin...

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      Usul al-Fiqh: How Islamic Law is Derived and Interpreted: Halabi’s Mukhtasar al-Manar
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two

      This course provides a rigorous study of one of the most important manuals on the Principles of Hadith and its nomenclature written by one of the most influential Hadith scholars of all time - Nukhbat al-Fikar by Imam Ibn Hajar. The tex...

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      Ibn Hajar’s Nukhba Explained: Principles of Hadith
      • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
      Level Two

      The Art of Logic is a necessary tool for any serious study of the traditional sciences. A correct understanding of the embedded reasoning and argumentations within works of Theology and Fiqh without a solid grasp of Logic is virtually i...

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      Abhari’s Isaghuji: An Introduction to Traditional Logic
      • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
      Level Two
      Lessons 9
         Hours 10

      All of the various Islamic Sciences and our very understanding of Islam itself rely on revelation. The broad ḥadith corpus, along with the Qur'ān, are the two main sources of that revelation from Allāh (Exalted is He). Understanding the importance and role of reports from the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless h...

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      An Introduction to the Science of Hadith: Bayquni's Hadith Terminology
      • Shaykh Mohammed Tayssir Safi
      Level Two
      Lessons 12
         Hours 21

      This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. “This,” Allah Most High says about the Quran, “is the Scripture in which there is ab...

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      Ulum al-Qur'an: On Revelation, How It Was Preserved and Understood, and Why It Is True
      • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
      Level Two
      Lessons 24
         Hours 41

      The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, greatly emphasized the recital of sura al Kahf and sura al Waqi’a, due to their significance. The former is a guide to staying safe from the va...

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      Tafsir of Great Suras: Yasin, Mulk, Waq'ia and Kahf: Linguistic and Thematic Analysis
      • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
      Level Two

      In this course, you will cover an abridgment of one of the main works of Islam, Sahih Bukhari. This course sheds light on key meanings of Prophetic guidance

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      Hadith: Ibn Abi Jamra's Abridgement of Sahih Bukhari Explained
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two

      This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on Nur al-Idah wa Najat al-Arwah (The Light of Clarification and the Salvation of Souls), an intermediate work on the fiqh of worship. Written by the erudite scholar, Imam Shurunbulali, it combines rulings from the gre...

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      Law: Shurunbulali’s Nur al-Idah Explained [Elective]
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two
      Lessons 24
         Hours 70

      This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. In this in-depth course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the essence of Prophetic wisdom and guidance gathered in Imam Nawa...

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      Nawawi’s 40 Hadith: The Essential Guidance of Islam
      • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two

      Learn how to pray with presence of heart with Allah, according to the call of the Quranic call to, “Establish prayer for My remembrance,” [Qur...

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      Praying with Presence: Habib Jifri’s Prayer of Those Close to Allah Explained
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two

      This course aims to explain the principles of understanding meanings from the Qur’an and the Sunna according to the Hanafi school and how rulings are derived from them. Students will gain a deeper appreciation of the principles of the science of Usul al-Fiqh (Legal theory) .

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      Usul: Aqhisari's Samt al-Wusul
      • Ustadh Sufyan Qufi
      Level Two
      Lessons 24
         Hours 66

      Level: Two Instructors: Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Shaykh Mohammed Tayssir Safi Course Overview This is a Level Two elective course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course covers one of the greate...

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      Beliefs: Ghazali's Qawa'id al-Aqa'id - Understanding Beliefs, Proofs, and the Spiritual Cultivation of Faith [Elective]
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two
      Lessons 36
         Hours 141

      Allah Most High says, “I have not created jinn-kind nor mankind for any purpose other than to worship Me.” (Qur’an, 51:56) Take this course to increase your knowledge of the questions that worshippers fa...

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      On Worship: Shurunbulali’s Nur al-Idah - In-Depth Study of Purification, Prayer, and Fasting
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Two

      To understand and appreciate the basic A-Z of the important issues on worship, family law, financial and transactional laws, Public law, etc., from a classical fiqh text, and develop a basic understanding of all the issues with basic legal reasoning and try to grasp them, implement them and convey to others...

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      Fiqh: Quduri's Mukhtasar.
      • Ilyas Patel
      Level Two

      The text will give you a good overview and simplified understanding of the principles and the wisdom of legal rulings, mapped out in detail, and hopefully, you will develop a deeper understanding of the vocabulary of the jurists in lucid and simplified Arabic. This is a unique text mapped out in detail and ...

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      Usul: As‘adi's Al-Mujaz Fi Usul al-Fiqh.
      • Ilyas Patel
      Level Two

      Who is Allah, and how do we know about Him; connect with Him; and draw closer to Him? The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) promised Paradise and Eternal Closeness to Allah through learning about Allah’s Names. He said, “Indeed, Allah has ninety-nine Names… whoever encompasses them will enter Para...

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      Divine Beauty: Understanding the 99 Names of Allah
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Three
      Lessons 35
         Hours 42

      This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is a traditional word-by-word exposition of Imam Bajuri’s commentary on Imam Sanusi's Umm al-Barahin (The Foundational Proofs), which covers the core beliefs of mainstream traditional Islam alon...

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      Beliefs: Bajuri's Hashiya al-Sanusiyya Explained: Allah's Attributes and Proofs for His Existence
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Level Three

      This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It covers an intermediate commentary on Imam Athir al-Din Abhari’s fundamental logic primer, Isaghuji. It provides students the opportunity to expan...

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      Intermediate Islamic Logic: Zakariyya al-Ansari’s Commentary on the Isaghuji Explained
        Level Three

        This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the Kanz al-Daqa’iq of Imam Hafidh al-Din al-Nasafi. The Kanz is one of the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school and is considered one of i...

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        Understanding Hanafi Law: Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa’iq Explained
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        Shaykh Abd al Ghani al Maydani’s commentary is one of the best written on the Mukhtasar of Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad al Quduri. It is the perfect entry point to the more detailed texts of the Hanafi school and is...

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        Law: Maydani's Lubab Explained - Understanding a Key Commentary on Quduri's Mukhtasar
        • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
        Level Three
        Lessons 36
           Hours 80

        This Level Two class explores intermediate Islamic beliefs through a close study of Imam Sawi’s commentary on Imam Laqqani’s Jawhara al-Tawhid — a poem that covers mainstream Islamic beliefs about Allah Most High, His messengers (peace be upon them), and the Hereafter. Imam Sawi unpacks the expressions of the poem, making accessible the belie...

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        Belief: Sawi On Jawhara al-Tawhid: Understanding Islamic Beliefs [Elective]
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        The first in a series of courses that covers one of the four main primers of the Hanafi school; Imam Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa‘iq. It gathers issues from several of the key works of the school to summarize its issues. The purpose of this class is to consoli...

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        Law: Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa’iq Explained | On Financial Transactions - Deeper Understanding of Legal Rulings (Hanafi)
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three
        Lessons 37
           Hours 71

        This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This is the first in a series of courses covering Imam Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa‘iq, one of the four main primers of the Hanafi school. The Kanz gathers issues from several of the key works of the school and summarizes its issues.

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        Law: Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa’iq: Explained: On Worship - Deeper Understanding of Legal Rulings (Hanafi)
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the Kanz al-Daqa’iq of Imam ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Mahmud al-Nasafi. The Kanz is one of the most important and influential works in the Hanafi school and is considered its most fundamenta...

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        Understanding Hanafi Law: Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa'iq Explained
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        This is a Level Three course in Islamic Law (fiqh) in which Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the “Meeting of the Oceans” (Multaqa al-Abhur) by Imam Ibrahim al-Halabi (d. 956 AH). This is one of the most commented-upon texts, for good reason - as it gathers, with clarity and precision, the main issues and legal details ...

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        Law: Halabi's Multaqa al-Abhur
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        This is a Level Three course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum of SeekersGuidance. It’s a traditional word-by-word explanation of Imam al-Sanusi’s commentary on his primer Umm al-Barahin (The Foundational Proofs), which covers a distill...

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        Sanusi's Commentary on Umm al-Barahin: An In-Depth Investigation of the Foundational Proofs
        • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
        Level Three
        Lessons 81
           Hours 218

        This course covers a comprehensive commentary on the five acts of worship written by one of the authorities of the Hanafi school of law. Allah Most High says, “I have not created jinn-kind...

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        On Worship: Shurunbulali’s Maraqi al-Falah Sharh Nur al-Idah: In-Depth Study of Purification, Prayer, and Fasting [Elective]
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Three

        This is a study of a fairly complicated and advanced text in the Hanafi school. It will explore the key issues of the Hanafi school, which are significantly greater than those covered in the text of Imam Quduri. Legal reasoning and the positions of the mujtahids of the Hanafi school, and the preferences of the later authorities will...

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        Law: Mahbubi's Sharh al-Wiqaya
        • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
        Level Four

        In this important study, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reads Imam Bajuri’s Hashiya on Imam Laqani’s famous poem, Jawharat al-Tawhid. Imam Laqani’s poem covers mainstream Islamic beliefs about Allah Most High, His messengers (peace be upon them), and the Hereafter. This Hashiya is regarded as the most relied-on commentary of ...

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        Bajuri’s Tuhfat al-Murid ‘ala Jawharat al-Tawhid: An Advanced Study of Islamic Beliefs
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Four

        This course is based on Imam Nasafi's Kanz al-Daqa‘iq with its commentary Kashf al-Haqa’iq by ‘Allama Abd al-Hakim al-Afghani. Within this class, the commentary will be read in full length and explained further by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani.The key text gathers issues from several of the key works of the school to summarize its...

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        Law: Kashf al-Haqa’iq Sharh Kanz al-Daqa’iq
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Four

        The objective of this course is to begin the journey of gaining mastery of the Fiqh details of the Hanafi school.We define “Mastery” as a thorough understanding of the text itself, its legal reasoning, and key details."Fiqh" is deep knowledge, with an understanding of nuances and implications."Fiqh" is deep ...

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        Law: Tumurtashi's Tanwir Al Absar Explained.
        • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
        Level Four

        This is a Level Four course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum.This course covers how to address modern challenges to belief through the application of traditional Islamic Theolo...

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        Answer to Modernism: Contemporary Applications of Traditional Theology
        • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
        Level Four

        This is a Level Four course on Islamic Beliefs in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It unpacks the questions (masa’il) of Taftazani’s pithy Sharh al-’Aqa’id al-Nasafiyya, arguably the most impor...

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        Taftazani's Sharh al-Aqa'id al-Nasafiyya Explained: Critical Investigations in Theology, First Principles, and the Nuances of Theology
          Level One

          Having godfearingness (taqwa) is a prerequisite for being able to benefit from the great guidance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).

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          Living Right: Halal and Haram and Living Prophetic Excellence (Shafi'i)
          • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
          Level One
          Lessons 12
             Hours 10

          “Whoever travels a path to seek knowledge, Allah thereby facilitates for him a path to Paradise.” (Muslim) This course is the first step in your pursuit of religious knowledge by Ahmad bin Zayn al Habashi, one of the great Shafi'i schol...

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          Getting Started with Your Belief and Practice : Habshi’s Encompassing Epistle Explained (Shafi` i)
          • Shaykh Farid Dingle
          Level One
          Lessons 24
             Hours 13

          Do you want to worship Allah confidently? Take this course to get comprehensive and knowledge-based answers to all the questions that you are ...

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          On Worship: Ba Fadl's The Short Abridgment
          • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
          Level One

          This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and practices of Shafi‘i fiqh, using the widely recognized text Safinat al-Naja by Shaykh Samir Salim ibn al-Hadrami. The course suits beginners interested in learning about Islamic law and the Shafi‘i school of thought.Over several weeks, students will...

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          Essentials of Shafi`i Law: Hadrami's Safina al-Najat
          • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
          Level One

          This course, based on Imam ‘Alawiy al-Saqqaf's celebrated text, "Mukhtasar Al-Fawa’id Al-Makkiyya," offers an essential guide for serious students of Islamic knowledge. Students will explore the profound importance of acquiring knowledge, the etiquette required of both the scholar and the learner, and the crucial role of scholars in...

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          Usul: Saqqaf’s Mukhtasar Fawa’id Makkiyya
          • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
          Level One

          The Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his parent, his child, and all of mankind put together.” To fully love and embody the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace), it’s essential to understand who he was.Studying ...

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          Introduction to the Life of the Prophet: Khudari's Nur al-Yaqin
          • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
          Level One

          Learn to live the essence of the Prophet’s wisdom (May Allah bless him and give him peace)Do you want to understand the most foundational hadiths of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace). This course explains the essence of Prophetic wisdom and guidance gathered in Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths.

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          Understanding Prophetic Guidance: Nawawi’s Arba‘in Explained
          • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
          Level One

          This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and practices of Shafi‘i fiqh, using the widely recognized text Safinat al-Naja by Shaykh Samir Salim ibn al-Hadrami. The course suits beginners interested in learning about Islamic law and the Shafi‘i school of thought.

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          Ship of Salvation : Hadrami's Primer on the Principles and Jurisprudence of the Shafi‘i School.
          • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
          Level Two
          Lessons 22
             Hours 12

          This thought-provoking and insightful intermediate (Level Two) course in Islamic Legal Theory is for anyone seeking to gain an appreciation of how Islamic Law works.

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          Usul al-Fiqh: How Islamic Law is Derived and Interpreted: Juwayni's Waraqat
          • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
          Level Two
          Lessons 23
             Hours 22

          Every human action has a divine command associated with it, making it obligatory, recommended, permissible, offensive, or unlawful. We cannot infer these commands with our minds–the only way to learn about them is by learning them from the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). The ...

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          Abu Shuja's Matn: On Worship (Purification, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat and Hajj)
          • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
          Level Two

          This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. It serves to provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of trade and transactions according to the Shafi‘i school....

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          Abu Shuja's Matn: On Financial Transactions
            Level Two

            This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the renowned text Matn Abu Shuja. This course serves to provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of public law according to the Shafi‘i school. Topics covered include th...

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            Abu Shuja's Matn: On Public Law
              Level Two

              This is a Level Two course in the Islamic Studies Curriculum. This course is based on the renowned text Matn Abu Shuja. This course serves to provide a proper understanding of the Islamic rulings of family law according to the Shafi‘i school. Topics covered include w...

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              Abu Shuja's Matn: On Marriage and Divorce
                Level Two

                This course thoroughly studies one of the most studied manuals on the Principles of Hadith and its nomenclature written by one of the most influential Hadith scholars of all time - Nukhbat al-Fikar by Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Allah have mercy on him) (852 AH). The text is usually studied after the completion of al-Bayquniyyh, and...

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                Introduction to the Principles of Hadith: Ibn Hajar‘s Nukhba
                • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
                Level Two

                This thought provoking and insightful intermediate (Level Two) course in Islamic Legal Theory is for anyone seeking to gain an appreciation of how Islamic Law works. Imam Juwayni, author of the Waarqat was an imam (i.e., someone who is taken as an exemplar) of the Islamic sciences in the fullest ...

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                Juwayni’s Waraqat : A Primer on Islamic Legal Theory
                • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
                Level Three

                This is a Level Three course based on the text Reliance of the Traveller and Tools of the Worshipper. This course covers the chapters on Worship taught by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick. The entire text is co-taught with Shaykh Muhammad Carr who...

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                Reliance of the Traveller: Intermediate Worship Course in Shafi` i Fiqh
                • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
                Level Three

                This is a Level Three course based on the text Reliance of the Traveller and Tools of the Worshipper. This course covers the chapters on Contract Law and Commercial Law taught by Shaykh Muhammad Carr. The entire text is co-taught with S...

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                Reliance of the Traveller: Intermediate Contract Law and Commercial Law
                • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
                Level Three

                Lubb Al-Usul is traditionally considered as an intermediate to advanced level of study, and has, therefore, been included in our level three curriculum.

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                Ansari’s Lubb Al-Usul: Deeper Understanding of How Islamic Law Works (Shafi`i)
                • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick