On-Demand Courses

Lessons 6
   Hours 5

Cultivating mindfulness of Allah Most High is a process that every Muslim struggles with. We spend much time in heedlessness of Allah, lacking consciousness of His ever-present and enveloping Mercy. This course unpacks the meanings of Sura al-Rahman, serving as...

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Grace and Gratitude: Sura al Rahman Explained
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 6
   Hours 6

Sura al-Mulk consists of 30 verses and presents believers with numerous lessons on how to bring their faith to life. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani elucidates the meanings of these verses based on classical commentaries. Shaykh Faraz synthesizes pertinent lessons for th...

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The Truly Great: Sura al-Mulk Explained - Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 5
   Hours 3

In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers a thematic study of Sura al-Waqi’a, a close explanation (tafsir) of it, and key lessons that can be drawn from it. The course also examines how to nurture one’s relationship with Allah through deepening one’s understanding and relationship with this great Sura.

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The Great Event: Surat al-Waqi'a Explained
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 21
   Hours 25

Understanding the meanings of the Qur’an is the key to achieving deeper levels of reflection and appreciation of our Lord’s address. With more understanding one can achieve a greater connection to the Qur’an and reverence for it, finding serenity in remembrance of Allah through the recitation of His book, u...

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Understanding the Fatiha and the Last Ten Suras: An In-Depth Explanation of the Everyday Qur’an
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 7
   Hours 12

The keys of excellence in relations are found in Sura al-Hujurat. It calls to the believers to adopt these standards, appealing to the God-given faith that we have as the motive for making us do so. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani clearly presents the themes of this sura drawing on the wisdom of great scholars such as...

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Sura al-Hujurat Explained: How To Fulfill the Rights of Allah, His Messenger, and His Creation
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 11
   Hours 14

How do I renew my faith and renew my connection with my Lord and Creator? Sura al-Hadid is a 29-verse sura containing key guidance on renewing faith through reflection (fikr) and remembrance (dhikr). It contains powerful reminders on awakening to the reality of...

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Faith Renewed: Explanation of Sura al-Hadid - Cultivate Faith Through Understanding and Reflection
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 26
   Hours 10

Ghazali’s Ihyaʾ is a blueprint for renewing one’s religious practice and drawing closer to Allah. Known, not only for his knowledge but his exceptional teaching ability, Ghazali selected key verses of the Qurʾan to base this renewal on. This course takes us through many of these verses, as they are mentioned in the ...

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Renewal by the Book: Explanation of 40 Key Themes of the Qur’an Based on Ghazali’s Ihya
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Social change
Lessons 4
   Hours 2

What is change? How does change happen? What is the purpose of change? What are the spiritual and worldly keys to change—for the individual, for groups, for communities, and for believers? In this first segment, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explores the idea of change by clarifying the key term...

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Change Happens: The Qur'anic Principles for Justice and Social Change
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Manners with the Quran
Lessons 5
   Hours 8

What would you ask God if you were granted the opportunity to ask one question? “My Lord, what are the best means with which those close to you have...

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The Ultimate Miracle: Connecting with the Book of Allah
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 4
   Hours 3

This On-Demand course analyzes Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda’s book titled, The Prophet As a Teacher. It explores the teaching methodology of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Its goal is to provide the student with an understanding and appreciation of the Prophet’...

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Prophetic Pedagogy: Abu Ghudda’s The Prophet as a Teacher Explained
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 11
   Hours 11

This is a General-level course for youth that highlights what it was like to be young in the Prophetic times. This course inspires and empowers the youth by drawing on the examples of young people of the past. This course analyzes 40 hadiths in which the word ...

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Youth in Prophetic Times: An Analysis of 40 Hadiths Where Youths are Mentioned
  • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Heart Softeners

This engaging course invites children and their families to explore the profound relationship between Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the sacred land of Palestine. Led by Ustadh Mustafa Azzawi and Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, this Seekers Kids Session is designed to be both educational and celebratory.

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The Prophet and Palestine: Celebrating and Understanding
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Heart Softeners

Over a couple of sessions on The Mantle of Beauty, the world-famous Nasheed artist sings Qasida Burda in inspiring and uplifting styles.Shaykh Faraz Rabbani has explained the key meanings of this great poem—which has over 100 scholarly commentaries, due to its rich, deep, and beautiful meanings of faith and guidance.

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The Mantle of Love : Busiri's Burda Gathering
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Heart Softeners
Lessons 52
   Hours 27

In this course, we will read and understand a wide selection of the prophetic hadiths intended to soften the heart from Imam al-Tabrizi's Mishkat al Masaheeb, under the chapter Kitab al Riqaq, the Book of the Heart So...

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When Hearts Grow Hard: Hadiths on Softening Hearts from Tabrizi's Mishkat al-Masabih
  • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Heart Softeners
Lessons 10
   Hours 5

This beneficial General-level course covers hadiths that soften the heart from primary hadith collections. These include Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai, Ibn Hibban, Hakim, Darimi and Baghawi. These primary source texts are the closest records we have that are aut...

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Transformative Hadith: Heart Healers from the Book of Heart-Melting Traditions
  • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Day of Judgement
Lessons 5
   Hours 2

Due to the fast-paced nature of our lives, we may sometimes lose sight of our purpose in this world and the impending judgment we will face in the hereafter. Other times, we may erroneously be concerned about when the end of time will be rather than what we can do to prepare for it. ...

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The End of The World: The Prophetic Description and Guidance for The Last Days
  • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
  • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
Natural Sciences
Lessons 6
   Hours 9

This seminar begins by clarifying the role and importance of metaphysics in the philosophy of the natural sciences. It defines and deconstructs the two main philosophies of the natural sciences that have gained traction in academia. It then goes into the issues of ethics in light of these modern theories ...

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The Natural Sciences: in Light of Ethics and Ma’rifa
  • Dr Karim Lahham
Prophetic Character
Lessons 7
   Hours 9

“My brother – you’ll not attain true knowledge except through six things. I shall tell you about them in detail. Intelligence, a burning desire, poverty, a humbled self, the instruction of a skilled teacher, and the passage of a long time.”– Imam Juwayni. These ...

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How to Seek Islamic Knowledge: Imam Ghazali’s Proper Manners of Students Explained
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
  • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
Prophetic Character
Lessons 25
   Hours 12

This course covers the famous work - The Shifa - by the great scholar of Islam, Qadi Iyad. The book discusses the blessed person and life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from many different vantage points. Along with this, the author adds many other crucial issues that the Believer needs in thei...

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The Shifa of Qadi Iyad: Lessons on the Character and Virtue of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Prophetic Character

This course involves a detailed analysis of the life of our beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). It is taught at a General Level, allowing for easy comprehension of the material. This analysis involves explaining the events of the Prophetic biography, contextualizing the revelation of Quranic verses,...

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The Prophetic Life in Focus: Narration, Contextualization, and Analysis of the Life of Prophet Muhammad
  • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
Prophetic Character

The course on the "Book of Prophetic Ethics and the Courtesies of Living" (Kitab Adab al Ma'isha wa Akhlaq al-Nubuwwa) is a study of a classic Islamic text wri...

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The Most Beautiful: Imam Ghazali’s Book 20 on Prophet’s Character and Way of Life Explained
  • Shaykh Faid Mohammed

This On-Demand course explores how we can live the light of Ramadan in our daily lives throughout the year. It is an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the spirit of Ramadan and benefit from the timeless wisdom of Islamic teachings. Ramadan is...

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Living the Light of Ramadan: Absorbing, Kindling, and Spreading the Light
  • Dr. Yousuf Patel
  • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
Lessons 23
   Hours 8

The course aims to look through the biographies of major Companions, male and female. Within the course, we will try to extract practical advice and guidance to apply to our lives. We also hope to instill the love and veneration of the Companions in the student’s hearts.

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The Men and Women Around the Messenger: Guidance from the Lives of Those Allah is Pleased With
  • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Lessons 5
   Hours 1

What is the place of green and environmental stewardship in Islam? How does the Qur’an view concern for the environment? What is your responsibility towards the environment? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin and the distinguished Qur’anic Studies exp...

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Living Green: The Way of the Greatest Environmentalist (peace be upon him)
  • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
  • Shaykh Ali Hani
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 24
   Hours 22

The Shama’il Muhammadiya of Imam Tirmidhi is a collection of 415 narrations focused on the sublime characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). The narrations relate to everything from the apparent beauty of his outer appeara...

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The Beautiful Character of the Beloved of Allah - Tirmidhi's Shama'il Explained - On the Prophet's Description, Character, and Conduct
  • Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan
Muslim identity
Lessons 4
   Hours 2

In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadh Amjad Tarsin address the identity of the Muslims and the key characteristics of the Prophetic Way. Shaykh Faraz starts the course by discussing what defines our identity. Our very creativeness points to the hum...

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Who Am I? Understanding Muslim Identity in light of the Prophet’s Way
  • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Prophet Stories
Lessons 8
   Hours 12

From childhood, we are often enthralled with great real stories of the past, with the astounding mystery they bring, from a time period no longer familiar to people. This especially holds true for the lives of the Prophets of God, as these extraordinary men exemplified great virtues and courage as they ca...

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The Exemplars: The Great Prophets of God, Their Lives, and Life Lessons
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Prophet Stories
Lessons 4
   Hours 3

In this captivating series of lectures, Shaykh Ahmad Saad explores the purpose and delivery of the stories of the Prophets in the Quran. He unlocks their aim, which is to direct us towards Allah Almighty and the Day of Judgement. Among them is the story of t...

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Lessons from the Lives of the Prophets: Wisdom and Guidance from the Lives of the Best of Creation
  • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
Prophet Stories
Lessons 24
   Hours 18

There is nothing quite like a good story, and the Qur'an has the best of them. They inspire; they console; they fill us with hope, and they are proof of Allah's promise being true. In those stories are the best role models, the greatest life lessons, and the greatest nourishment of faith. They are our mea...

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In The Company of Prophets
  • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
Lessons 6
   Hours 6

Islam is a social religion. The benefits of social interaction also spill over into one’s religious practice. This is why worship in Islam has placed a social element within the even the obligatory acts of worship. The prayer is performed as a group; all Muslims fast in Ramadan; Zakat i...

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One Body: Strengthening the Bonds of Love & Community
  • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
Prophetic Rights

Qadi ‘Iyad’s seminal work on the traits, perfections and rights owed to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has been one of the most celebrated wo...

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Qadi 'Iyad's al-Shifa: Understanding the Masterpiece on the Rights of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)
  • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
Prophetic Roles

”Allah has not sent me as a stern rebuker. Rather, He has sent me as a teacher and facilitator,” said the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

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The Greatest Teacher: Lessons from Imam Bukhari's Book of Knowledge
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Avoiding Sins
Lessons 4
   Hours 2

Trodding the path to Allah is a type of war, and its battlefield is the heart. To win, we must strengthen our army: our soul, and weaken the enemy: our lower-self and the devil. Knowing one’s enemy is a crucial strategy of war and is the aim of this course. Thi...

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Satanic Tactics: Seven Tricks of the Devil
  • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Avoiding Sins
Lessons 11
   Hours 14

This beneficial General Level course is essential for every believer. It is based on the text Kitab al-Kaba’ir (The Book of Major Sins), a short treatise, written by the encyclopedic Damascene scholar Imam Dhahabi. The Major Sins, or the Enormities, are sins th...

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Dhahabi's The Major Sins Explained: Avoiding the Pitfalls to Attain Salvation
  • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Dua / Supplication
Lessons 28
   Hours 7

This On-Demand course is based on a series of short lessons about the supplications found in the Qur’an. Allah only enables and guides us to make a supplication because He wishes to grant us its answer. In essence, we receive the answer for our supplication...

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Beseeching The Divine: Supplications From The Quran
  • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
Meaning of Life
Lessons 4
   Hours 2

Coffee can be more than just a caffeine boost in the morning. This On-Demand Course explains the meaning of life and worship, exploring where coffee fits into all of this. This course investigates the Islamic perspective on the purpose of life, looking ...

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Coffee, Worship and The Meaning of Life: Turning to Allah in All One Does
  • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
  • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Lessons 12
   Hours 3

It covers the Aphorisms of Imam Haddad, a great 12th-century AH scholar who had the unique ability to synthesize and simplify the writings of earlier scholars into works easily accessible for the ordinary Muslims who followed him. This text is an excellent work...

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Wisdoms for Youth: Aphorisms of Imam Haddad
  • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

At a time of turbulence, prevalent complaints of spiritual hyperboles and a widespread struggle with maintaining a steady spirituality, this course addresses the intellectual, emotional and psychological aspects related to sincere worship and balanced spiritual life. It summarizes the path to true freedom and bala...

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Ibn Ata'Allah's Key Aphorisms, The Quest for Spiritual Awakening
  • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary
Lessons 9
   Hours 9

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Our Character
  • Ustadh Amr Hashim

This course looks at a manual of spiritual counsels, The Firm Grasp (al-‘Urwa al-Wathiqa) by Imam Bahraq. This is a beautiful poem in 44 lines on the path of turning to Allah, living with mindfulness of Allah (taqwa), and beautifying one’s heart–by ridding oneself of blameworthy character traits, and acquiring pra...

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Reawakening the Heart: Bahraq's The Firm Grasp Explained
    Dealing with sickness
    Lessons 27
       Hours 13

    In this course, Dr. Yusuf Patel reads and reflects on Said Nursi's treatise, A Message for the Sick. This course provides a spiritual perspective on how to understand and deal with diseases. Said Nursi is considered to be one of the last great Ottoman scholars of the 19th Century. Well-known for his schol...

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    A Reflective Reading of Said Nursi's Treatise: A Message for the Sick
    • Dr. Yousuf Patel
    Self Accounting
    Lessons 4
       Hours 3

    Shaykh Faraz Rabbani starts by elucidating the importance of the keys to change and how to be both conscious of Allah and have true awareness of Him. Having watchfulness of Allah and self-ccounting are central religious virtues—as they are the keys to acquir...

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    Living Hearts: Ghazali’s Book of Watchfulness and Self-Accounting Explained
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 3
       Hours 2

    Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said offers guidance on upholding one’s faith and nurturing it. He will equip us with fundamental tools and guidelines to address some of the main challenges and concerns we as Muslims in the West are encountering. Shaykh Faid explains why it is important to uphol...

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    Your Faith in Challenging Times: Turning to Allah in all one’s states
    • Shaykh Faid Mohammed
    Controlling the Tongue
    Lessons 4
       Hours 3

    The key to changing your life is restraining your tongue and learning positive, beneficial speech. In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadh Amjad Tarsin explore the guidance of the Quran and Sunna regarding: (1) the importance of restraining one’s speech and avoiding negative words;

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    The Keys to Change: Holding One’s Tongue to Change One’s Life
    • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Controlling the Tongue
    Lessons 12
       Hours 14

    In this course, you will learn the importance of protecting oneself from harmful speech before critically examining sixty cases of religiously harmful or dangerous speech, with practical day-to-day applications and references from the Prophet’s own teaching and practice. The course closes with a discussion on posi...

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    Upright Speech: Birgivi on Holding One's Tongue
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Prophetic Character?
    Lessons 6
       Hours 7

    In this course, Sayyid Salim bin Umar bin Hafiz gives an in-depth commentary of a poem authored by his father Habib Umar bin Hafiz, celebrating the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This short work is called al-Diya’ al-Lami (The Resplendent Illumination). Sayyid Salim offers ...

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    Epitome of Love: Commentary on Habib Umar’s Diya' Lamiʿ
    • Sayyid Salim bin Umar bin Hafiz
    Lessons 25
       Hours 9

    Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the one who calls upon me (2:186). Yet, many of us wonder: Are my duas being answered? Is there a certain dua I have to read for each of my concerns? Do my duas have to be in Arabic? In this Course, Sha...

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    Supplication is the Essence of Worship: The Reality and Proper Manners of Asking Allah (Dua)
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Death and Dying
    Lessons 6
       Hours 2

    Death—the destroyer of all pleasures—is a guaranteed part of human existence. Yet, no one is certain about how much time they have in this world. Some leave as young people, some are taken in middle age, and others as elders. One truth remains the same: everyone has to leave this ephemeral wo...

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    Dealing With Death: Etiquettes of the Dying Person and The People Around Them
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Death and Dying
    Lessons 3
       Hours 2

    This course provides an important contribution to Islam’s answer to the big and existential questions of the purpose of life and the meaning of death. Based on lectures by three prominent scholars, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Ramzy Ajem, and Habib Hussein al-Saqqaf, the course material covers a systemati...

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    Preparing For The End of Life: Death and Dying Spiritual and Practical Advice Prepare for the End of Life
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 5
       Hours 3

    This overview of Imam Ghazali’s great work, Ihya Ulum al-Din (Renewing the Religious Sciences) will serve as a blueprint for how the believer can bring their religion to life. It will aim to help the believer to not just practice the outer form of the religion properly, but to also to bring its spirit to li...

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    Renewing Religion: Thematic Overview of Imam Ghazali’s Ihya’
    • Ustadh Tabraze Azam
    • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
    • Imam Yama Niazi
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 12
       Hours 5

    This is a Level One course based on the amazing work of Imam ‘Abdullah bin ‘Alawi al-Haddad titled Lives of Man. Imam Haddad was a late 17th, early 18th-century scholar and sage from the city of Tarim, in the Hadramawt valley of South Yemen. The text answers two existential and essential questions that every Human asks themselves at some poin...

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    Haddad’s Lives of Man: Passing Through the Stages of Human Existence
    • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

    How does one revive one’s religion and relationship with Allah Most High? In this critical class, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Shaykh Abdullah Misra summarize the teachings of Imam Ghazali’s masterpiece of Islamic knowledge and spiritual guidance, Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din).

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    Spirituality: Ghazali's Revival (Ihya') Explained
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

    How does one revive one’s religion and relationship with Allah? In this critical class, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Abdullah Misra, and Shaykh Yusuf Weltch summarize the teachings of Imam Ghazali’s masterpiece of Islamic knowledge and spiritual guidance, Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din). ...

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    Spirituality: Ghazali's Revival (Ihya') Explained : Excellence in Worship (Quarter One)
    • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
    • Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Sincere concern
    Lessons 9
       Hours 15

    Based on the work of Imam Ahmad Zarruq, The Sufficient Counsel for the one with God-given wellbeing, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani expertly unpacks the pearls of wisdom and teachings of one of the most beneficial of prophetic statements. We learn how to express our slavehood to Allah, how to respond to trials, obe...

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    The Reality of Religion: Understanding Sincere Concern from Imam Zarruq’s Sufficient Counsel
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Beautiful names of Allah
    Lessons 49
       Hours 46

    You want a shortcut to Paradise? The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, promised Paradise for something very simple: “Indeed, Allah has Ninety-Nine particular Names – one hundred minus one – whoever encompasses them will enter the Garden.” (Bukhari)

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    Understanding the Most Beautiful Names: The 99 Names of Allah Explained in Detail
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 5
       Hours 3

    “The lack of reliance upon Allah is a consequence of a lack or certitude in the oneness of Allah, or a heedlessness of what the implications of divine oneness are.” – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. The slightest of breezes can put out the smallest flicker of a flame, yet t...

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    Faith and Reliance on Allah: Ghazali’s Book of Divine Oneness and Trust Upon Allah Explained
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 20
       Hours 6

    In this course, the student will study the Risala al-Khushu`iyya of Imam Abu Sa`id al-Khadimi, a treatise that provides a holistic look at the prayer as an act of worship centered on presence with, and attachment to, Allah Most High. “Successful are the belie...

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    Perfecting Prayer: Khadimi's Treatise on Presence in Prayer Explained
    • Shaykh Salman Younas
    Lessons 5
       Hours 1

    The prayer is one of the greatest blessings of Islam. It is the direct link to Allah in which the servant humbles himself completely before Allah. It is a means for asking. It is a means for forgiveness. It is a means for repelling harm. It is a means for closeness. Whenever the Messenger of Allah (peace ...

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    Praying with Presence: Practical Advice on Improving Your Prayer
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    • Ustadha Zaynab Ansari
    • Imam Zaid Shakir
    Good Manners
    Lessons 8
       Hours 6

    Do you ever feel unorganized or confused in trying to get close to Allah Most High? This course serves as a practical study in the science of drawing closer to Allah Most High (Ilm al-Suluk). It is based on the treatise, Good Manners of the Spiritual Disciple's Wayfaring (Suluk al-Murid) by Imam Haddad.

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    Imam Haddad’s Manual on Good Manners: Adab Suluk al-Murid Explained
    • Ustadh Omar Popal
    Good Manners
    Lessons 24
       Hours 11

    The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said that he was sent to complete good character (Muwattaʾ Malik), which leads us to understand that sound religious practice results in good character. However, there are certain matters of conduct that one must learn from those who have them....

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    The Best of Manners: Shaykh Abu Ghudda’s Proper Islamic Conduct Explained
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Simplicity / Zuhd
    Lessons 4
       Hours 3

    This is an On-Demand course about how to live simply and practice renunciation. Minimalist lifestyle and decluttering homes have recently become trendy in society. They're purported to help one focus their attention and lead a more fulfilling and organized life.

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    Living Simple: Practicing Zuhd in Complex Times
    • Ustadha Shireen Ahmed
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 12
       Hours 15

    Learn how to enter into marriage with the right intention and purpose, find and choose the “right person”, resolve disputes, the key sunnas of a successful marriage, and much more.

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    Marriage in Islam: Practical Guidance for Successful Marriage
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Manners of seeking knowledge

    “If you give knowledge all of yourself, it will give you some of itself. And if you give it part of yourself, it will give you nothing at all.”

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    How to Seek Islamic Knowledge: Zarnuji’s Ta‘lim al-Muta‘allim Explained
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Anger management
    Lessons 16
       Hours 7

    All Muslims have the responsibility of having principled engagement with those around them. We should do everything solely for the sake of Allah, repress our anger towards those who wrong us, and show excellence to them. We are obligated to be content with everything because it is from Allah. We should av...

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    Clarity and Calm in an Age of Anger - Lessons on Navigating Troubled Times
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
    • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Social Manners
    Lessons 13
       Hours 14

    One's etiquette in social situations is the key foundation to having strong relationships with other people. This is especially crucial when it comes to the people who have rights over us, such as friends, family, and neighbors. Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) best exemplified the best character and ...

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    Discussion on Sulami’s Adab of Keeping Company: Strengthening Your Relationships with Friends & Family
    • Ustadha Shireen Ahmed
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 3
       Hours 2

    This course takes a critical look at what is deemed an innovation in Islam. It clarifies the definition of innovation and the difference between good and bad innovations. Then five cases of perceived innovation are considered and debunked, followed by five actual cases of innovation that Muslims must be w...

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    Evaluating Innovations: Debunking Ten Bid'a Myths
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    New Muslim

    Why do we believe in Allah? In a secular, increasingly disbelieving age, many wonder about this. Islam gives us clear proofs for why we believ...

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    Why Believe? - The Proofs & Purpose of Belief in God
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

    Getting married is a great step in the Muslim’s life. We often neglect our Marriage contracts and agreements–with serious future consequences. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the importance of having well-thought-out marriage contracts and agreements, what to include, and how to approach sensitive discussions to agree on these.

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    Why Marriage Contracts & Agreements Matter : What You Should Know Before Getting Married
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 8
       Hours 3

    Shaykh Faraz explains the parenting duty in light of the aspects of tarbiya (taking the child, stage by stage, to his/her ultimate fruition), ta’deeb (instilling discipline/adab) and ta‘leem (facilitating knowledge). Parents must instill in their children love of Allah, of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon ...

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    Keys to Raising Righteous Children: Eight Lessons on Successful Parenting
    • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 5
       Hours 3

    In all matters, the way of The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is the best way. In this course, we learn from him the best way is to raise children. Children who are devoted to Allah Most High and righteous. Those who have prophetic conduct and character, compassion, and respect for pe...

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    40 Hadiths on Parenting: A Prophetic Guide to Raising Righteous Muslim Children
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 4
       Hours 3

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) is often called ‘the Teacher’. In fact, his entire life in itself is one big lesson. In this seminar, we explore how the Prophet taught, nurtured and guided children through compassion, love, and modeling the right action. We will explore how, as parents and educators, we c...

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    Nurturing Children: Key Lessons from the Prophet as a Parent & Educator
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 12
       Hours 12

    Raising righteous Muslim children is a noble and tremendous undertaking. In this course, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Ustadha Shireen Ahmed offer valuable advice and parenting tips to parents and carers. This course is based on the Prophetic example and two unique...

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    Parenting in Islam: How to Raise Righteous Children
    • Ustadha Shireen Ahmed
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

    In a rapidly changing world, parenting challenges have taken on new dimensions, requiring a comprehensive understanding of traditional wisdom and modern realities. The "Parenting - Navigating the Stormy Seas of the Modern World" seminar offered by Seekers Guidance provide...

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    Parenting - Navigating the Stormy Seas of the Modern World
    • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
    Lessons 4
       Hours 1

    Despite the Prophet’s emphasis on the urgency and reward of adopting, many Muslims are wary of adoption. Many think that “adoption” is un-Islamic; that there are “too many issues” arising adopting; or that it is “way too difficult” to adopt. Shaykh Faraz shows how adopting is from the prophetic practice, ...

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    Why Adopt? The Urgency, Virtues, and Practical Steps to Adoption
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Health & Wellbeing

    The Strong Believer is a short course for young Muslims who want Healthy Bodies, Minds, and Souls. This course is aimed at helping Muslims aged 20 years and up who want to live healthy, strong, active, and wholesome lives while not compromising their devotion to their faith.

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    The Strong Believer: Healthy Bodies, Minds, and Souls
    • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
    Mental Health

    The Islamic faith is not unfamiliar to tests and tribulations. Our Master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) endured great trials and sorrow during his lifetime. The Quran makes reference to dealing with hardship. Many of us face challenges in life that deeply affect our mental, physical, and spir...

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    Mental Health Workshop: An Islamic Guide to Dealing with Depression
    • Ustadh Amr Hashim
    • Dr Asim Yusuf

    In this course, we will reflect and ponder on the wisdom derived from a world pandemic. Sometimes the most powerful teacher could be life itself. Wisdom can be gained by deriving lessons from our own experiences in life, especially in the current circumstance we all find ourselves in.

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    Gentle Breezes, Subtle Reminders: Reflections and Wisdoms from a Global Pandemic
    • Imam Yama Niazi

    This course takes a look at the principles and lessons derived from the guidance of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) when dealing with plagues and pandemics. It covers the major plagues in history that Muslims had to deal with, delineating the worldly and spiritual means that the Muslims t...

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    Pandemics in Islamic History and Tradition: Lessons and Guidance from 1400 Years of Pandemics and Trials
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Social and Political Engagement
    Lessons 7
       Hours 9

    By taking this course, students will understand the Islamic methodology of navigating social and In contemporary times, there are many incorrect notions of how knowledge ought to be transmitted. This course outlines the traditional Islamic method of knowledge transmission in light of a few modern ideas....

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    Social and Political Engagement: Guiding Principles For Students of Knowledge
    • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
    Social and Political Engagement

    How the local and online community can benefit from attending the program: The program provides valuable insights and guidance on selecting ethical role models and distinguishing between good and bad friends, enabling individuals to build positive relation...

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    Choosing the Right Friends: Nurturing Ethical Relationships for a Balanced Life
    • Shaykh Muhammad Carr
    • Mawlana Irshaad Sedick
    Social justice
    Lessons 5
       Hours 3

    Social Justice In The Islamic Tradition: Righting wrongs, enjoining good, and honoring individual and community rights. Social justice has been the focus in recent times of Muslim activists and communities. More often than not, the methods and objectives employe...

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    Social Justice In The Islamic Tradition: How to Approach Justice and Uphold Truth with Wisdom and Principle
    • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
    Islamic Finance
    Lessons 12
       Hours 10

    “Allah is pure and accepts nothing but the pure.” The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) taught us that Allah only accepts the works and supplications of those who make their earnings and spending lawful. (Muslim) Take this course to learn how to practically bring the radiant example of the Mess...

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    Money Matters: Islamic Finance in Everyday Life
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 10
       Hours 2

    Imagine a garden with many beautiful plants and flowers. Over time, weeds start to grow among them, and eventually, they take over. It is essential to remove the weeds in order for the flowers and plants to thrive. This is the original meaning of the word zakat.

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    Understanding Zakat: Practical Guidance on the Wisdom, Rules, and Etiquette of Giving Zakat
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
    Writing/ reading
    Lessons 2
       Hours 2

    This seminar broadly covers the sciences of logic and dialectic, as well as the etiquette of reading various works of literature. This is important for anyone embarking upon studying sacred knowledge because logic and dialectic are tools that scholars use to approach and analyze the Islamic sciences.

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    Scholarly Writing: Applying Logic and Dialectic in Writing
    • Dr. Jawad Qureshi
    Lessons 24
       Hours 21

    This course covers a practical manual on living the sunna, avoiding the sins of the limbs and heart, and upholding good character, written by the 12th-century reviver of the Islamic sciences Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. This knowledge is essential for every believer seeking to practice Islam fully, particularly as knowledge of sinful thoughts a...

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    Living the Sunna: Practical Guidance from Imam al-Ghazali’s “Bidaya al-Hidaya”
    • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

    This course covers Imam Birgivi’s al-Tariqa al-Muhammadiyya, one of the great manuals on practical spirituality and operationalization of following the way of our beloved Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). This course analyzes the “fiqh of taqwa”—how to truly follow the way of the Prophet in...

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    Birgivi’s Tariqa Muhammadiyya: The Fiqh of Taqwa and the Path to Purification
    • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
    Lessons 8
       Hours 9

    This course covers the science of Shama’il, or the description of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. This hadith was narrated by Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was the stepson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace a...

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    In the Radiance of the Beloved: Understanding the Shama’il of Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)
    • Habib Muhammad al-Saqqaf
    Lessons 12
       Hours 9

    New to Islam? Or just looking to brush up on the basics? This course features an explanation of the clearest, concise and comprehensive introduction to Islam in print, Being Muslim, by Ustadh Asad Tarsin. The course is designed to include what every Muslim should know as well as those things that are essent...

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    Islam Simplified: Unraveling the Core Principles
    • Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
    Lessons 6
       Hours 9

    Futuwwa is a term that many of us hear in lectures and classes, but don’t have a full understanding of its true meaning. This course allows for a comprehensive understanding of the many meanings and consequences that this term has for Muslims.  The ethic of...

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    The Ethic of Chivalry: Exploring Futuwwa and Its Impact on Life
      Lessons 8
         Hours 5

      Sura al-Kahf contains four allegories that contain many crucial lessons for us all. The story of the sleepers of the cave highlights the importance of belief in God, and the need to nurture it and keep it away from what harms it. The story of the owner o...

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      Unraveling Surah al-Kahf: Understanding the Lessons Within Its Four Stories
      • Shaykh Walead Mosaad
      Lessons 8
         Hours 6

      “Indeed We have granted you [O Messenger] the Seven Frequently-Repeated [verses] and the Tremendous Recital.” (15:87) Experts in Qur...

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      The Best Chapter of the Quran: A Treasury of Meaning
      • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
      Lessons 6
         Hours 5

      There is a door in Paradise called Rayyan. No one will enter it except those who fast. Allah Himself has declared that fasting is specifically His and that it has a special reward from Him. In order to make the most of this great act of worship, one must know its worth, how to make the most of it, and what to avoid ...

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      Gateway to Paradise: Unlocking the Secrets of Fasting
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 5
         Hours 2

      In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened; the door of Hell are locked; the devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to what is given for the ob...

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      Unlocking Ramadan: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Blessings and Spiritual Growth
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 5
         Hours 3

      As Divine speech, the Quran leads people from darkness to true light. It is guidance for the people of piety to the straight path that leads to Allah. Pious people hold fast to the Book of Allah and have the correct inner and outer manners of relating to the Quran.

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      Living the Quran: Unlocking Inner and Outer Manners of Divine Guidance
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 5
         Hours 2

      Ramadan is the time of year when Muslims have an opportunity to rejuvenate themselves spiritually and implement lasting changes in their lives. This course will equip students to prepare for Ramadan in advance to make the most of its blessings, both physically and spiritually.

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      Transformative Ramadan Journey: Your Guide to Making the Most of All Its Benefits
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 4
         Hours 3

      In Ramadan, the doors of Paradise are opened the doors of Hell are locked; the devils are chained, and good deeds are made easy. In Ramadan, obligatory worship is increased in reward seventy-fold; voluntary worship is rewarded equal to what is given for the obligat...

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      Ramadan Essentials: A Shafi‘i Guide to Fasting, Worship, and Spiritual Fulfillment
      • Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan
      Lessons 2
         Hours 3

      The words of our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) are full of significant lessons that we can benefit from. Among his preserved discourse was his sermons, particularly his address during the farewell hajj of his lifetime. This course is a cr...

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      Guidance from the Farewell Sermon: Extracting Practical Lessons from the Prophet’s Final Address
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 26
         Hours 12

      This course covers 40 hadiths on fasting collected by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani. This collection focuses on the merits of fasting in general, fasting the month of Ramadan specifically, and on some of the voluntary fasts recommended throughout the year. The tr...

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      Fasting Wisdom: Exploring 40 Hadiths on the Merits and Spiritual Essence of Fasting
      • Shaykh Mohammed Tayssir Safi
      Lessons 24
         Hours 13

      “Whoever remembers Allah abundantly in Ramadan will be forgiven.” – Imam Zaid Shakir. In Ramadan, there are so many opportunities to be forgiven and to become closer to Allah that one does not know where to start. Many people do not realize what is on offer, and so they miss out on the blessings of this t...

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      Maximizing Ramadan: A Comprehensive Guide to Spiritual Growth and Blessings
      • Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari
      • Habib Umar bin Hafiz
      • Imam Zaid Shakir
      Lessons 24
         Hours 12:03:55

      This course explores the ultimate purpose of human existence: closeness to Allah Most High. People have varying incorrect notions of what the point of human existence is, ranging from reincarnation to empty nothingness. By taking this course, students will come to know the Islamic perspective of the purpose of our...

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      Towards Allah's Nearness: Understanding Hope and Closeness in Islam
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
      Lessons 11
         Hours 12

      In these lessons Shaykh Faraz Rabbani looks at the heart of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to draw inspiration from the lofty states of the Prophet, and how they manifested through his character and affected those around him, and how they will continue to do so even on the Day of Resurrection.

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      Journey to the Noble Heart of the Prophet: Developing Good Character and Compassion for Allah’s Creation
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

      Every day in Ramadan, we will go through a verse from the Quran that you read in your daily recitation or you will hear in Tarawih prayer. These selected verses address the most critical issues of belief. They clear our doubts, increase our faith and revive our spirit. By the end of this series, you will know thirty...

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      Quranic Conviction: Thirty Verses on Theology
      • Shaykh Ahmed El Azhary

      This is a general reminder series in Ramadan. It will improve your understanding of Ramadan and the higher aims of fasting and reflection. It addresses many issues related to social life, beliefs, spiritual remedies, and practical solutions to many Muslims' problems. The higher objective of this ...

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      Remedies for Ramadan: Motivational Musings on Mindfulness
      • Imam Yama Niazi

      This Ramadan series is a look at some brief, wise quotes from the Quran, the Sunna, and the words of the righteous scholars of the Umma. The wisdom therein is particularly beneficial and moving when heard during Ramadan, either whilst one is fasting during the day, or in worship at night. Everyone feels the ble...

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      Wisdom to Feed the Soul
      • Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

      This On-Demand course offers students practical advice from some of the world’s leading scholars including Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Mendes, Dr Ingrid Mattson, and more. They share with us 30 simple deeds that have a deep spiritual impact on our lives – and the lives of oth...

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      Character Refinement: 30 Transformative Deeds for Spiritual Growth
      • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
      • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

      قراءة في سير أعلام من الصحابة الكرام من كتاب (مجمع الأحباب) للعلامة الواسطي الحسينيمن إعداد وإلقاء د. محمد أبوبكر باذيب في أمسيات رمضانية للعام الهجري 1445

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      من أعلام السلف

        “And know that root of these problems is love of leadership and forgetting what is sure to come.” – Imam Ibn Ashir. Imam Abdul-Wahid ibn Ashir’s great work, The Helping Guide, has been highly regarded by scholars and used to teach Law, Creed, and Spirituality ...

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        Steps to Excellence: Exploring ‘The Helping Guide’ by Imam Ibn Ashir
        • Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

        Imam Ahmad narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those of singular purpose have outstripped [everyone].” The Companions asked, “Who are those of singular purpose?” He replied, “Those excessive in the remembrance of Allah M...

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        Keys to Spiritual Awareness: Balfaqih’s The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan, & Irfan Explained
        • Shaykh Abdul-Karim Yahya

        “But no! In fact, you love this fleeting world, and neglect the Hereafter.” [Quran, 75:20-21) Truly, man has embraced his fleeting desires and wor...

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        Sura al-Kahf: Timeless Wisdom for Life’s Challenges
        • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

        We often focus on the worship and duties of Ramadan, but do we draw on the wisdom of the prophetic etiquettes also to help improve ourselves and be better to Allah and those around us? Through this course, you will learn how a Muslim should be with himself, his spouse, family, neighbors, fellow Muslims, society...

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        Ramadan Reflections - Prophetic Etiquette through Bukhari’s Adab al-Mufrad
        • Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

        This beneficial On-Demand course will give you a roadmap for a transformative Ramadan. First streamed during the lockdown of 2020, the course remains a beneficial refresher by providing practical, applicable tips and strategies on how one can prepare for the month of Ramadan. This cours...

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        Ramadan Roadmap: What You Need for Transformative Fasting

          This course offers an immersive journey into the heart of Zakat within the Shafi‘i school of thought, guided by the timeless wisdom of Matn Abi Shuja‘. As we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, participants will engage with the foundational principles and practical applications of Zakat, one of Islam's fi...

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          Zakat in Practice

            In this transformative online course, "Pathways to Victory: Personal, Social, and Ummatic Triumphs," led by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and Shaykh Irshaad Sedick, we delve into a profound exploration of achieving victory at all levels of existence: personal, societal, and ummatic (community-wide). This course, adapted from the impactful "R...

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            Pathways to Victory
              Islamic History
              Lessons 4
                 Hours 2

              Have you ever wished that you had a better understanding of basic Islamic history? What happened after the Prophet ﷺ passed from this world, and after the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs? Join us for this informative course in which we will give a complete overview of Islamic History, so that you will become mo...

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              The History of Faith: Islamic History for Beginners
              • Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
              Arabiyya Courses

              هذه الدورة في المستوى الأول من مستويات علم التفسير الذي هو أشرف علوم الشريعة وأهمها، وهذه الدورة  خلاصة بحث الشيخ علي هاني خلا...

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              الطريقة المثلى لتفسير القرآن الكريم
              • Shaykh Ali Hani
              Arabiyya Courses

              هذه الدورة في المستوى الرابع من مستويات علم الصرف الذي هو أصول اللغة العربية وأهم علومها، وتتيح هذا الكتاب لمن أتم المستويات السابقة، وحتى لمن درس كتابا واحدا من الصرف، وعلى قواعد الإعلال والإبدال والتطبيق عليها، والتعرف على الأصول المعجمية لب...

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              تيسير الإعلال والإبدال لعبد العليم إبراهيم
              • Shaykh Ali Hani
              Arabiyya Courses

              هذه الدورة المهمة مخصصة لطلاب المستوى الأول من مستويات العلوم الشرعية ، و التي يدرسون فيها أهم الوصايا الإيمانية و الآداب التربوية الإسلامية ، و ذلك بالاعتماد...

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              المدخل إلى التصوف: العطية الهنية للعطاس