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Category Featured: No
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Total Lesson: 9
Number of hours: 9
Weightage: 0
Skill Level: Beginner
Monday: No
Tuesday: No
Wednesday: No
Thursday: No
Friday: No
Saturday: No
Sunday: No
About the text:

This course is based on the text "The Clarification of Noble Character," by Habib Umar bin Hafiz. This book consists of thirty lessons that discuss the importance of character refinement and focus on the traits and qualities that every believer should strive to acquire. Habib Umar demonstrates how the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the pious people of his nation embody each character trait and how we can emulate them. This is a book for every seeker, every believer, and every family.

About the Author:

Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafiz is well-known for his Prophetic lineage and status as one of the most influential religious scholars alive today. Born in Tarim, in Yemen’s Hadramawt Valley, in 1383 AH (1963 CE), he has become one of the renewers of the Islamic tradition in our time. Habib Umar traveled to Bayda’ around age 19 to study under Habib Muhammad Haddar and this is when the author wrote this book.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Learn the beautiful character traits of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and our pious predecessors.
  • Instill those traits in their own character.
  • Beautify their practice of Islam by striving for excellence in their actions.
  • Understand how to live with good character in times of ease and in times of difficulty.
Self enrolment AUTO (Student)